Wednesday, November 30th, 2011
So the end of the month is upon us. I suppose I could do some kind of special thing for this kind of occasion, but I think not. Rather, I will continue as I have, chronicling the days through my eyes and experiences. Not much to speak of today, as it was rather short, but there are some events of notice.
OMG SHOWER! I would write that I can't tell you how long it has been, But I certainly recall. The last shower I had was on Friday last week. After a few days on the road eating whatever it is I choose to eat, based mostly on cost, prep time and convenience, I can tell you that my skin was excited to expunge all of the built up dirt. I planned on taking one yesterday, but the Flying J that I filled at had no showers. This was odd for me, but hey, what are ya gonna do? I told them that I could hold out until Regina, but then the driver at the desk warned me, “If you shower in Regina, make sure you take a pair of hip waders.” That just sounded nasty, so I decided to wait a bit. How much more nasty can one be after a single day? Nasty enough to wade into a shower? Well, nasty enough to make sleeping a challenge.
I went to sleep rather early, since I am now 2 hours ahead of my acclimated time zone. The thing about truck driving is that everything is done on local times, and most places don't work on Pacific time. So I fall asleep, only to be awoken by an intermittent fan. Normally, when trucks idle, it is at a low idle, the fan remains off. For some reason, the guy next to me was at a very high idle. So I got up, dressed myself and knocked on his door. He just kinda looked out his window at me until I gestured that I wanted to talk to him. I mean seriously, who's going to mug you out in the middle of nowhere Manitoba? Some skinny dude freezing his butt off? He rolls the window down and I ask him about the fan and if it will be like that all night. “Yeah probably.” Effectively he just said, “I have no idea how this truck works,” which we both know means that yes, this fan thing will be an all night adventure.
In an effort to be a better person, as I'm sure we all are doing, I decide to step back from this situation. OK. Fan is going to run all night, keeping me up if I stay parked here. Dude not willing to turn it off. The logical solution is to piss and moan about it all night and become a victim. OK, not the LOGICAL solution, but a very common one. I decide to move the truck. The rest area is fairly empty and one can turn around in it, so I take advantage of the situation. I end up just kinda parking in the autos only section, not that anybody would care since I'm in EBF. Instead of being miserable about losing 3 hours of sleep, I took the opportunity to attempt to lucid dream, which I did albeit at a low level of lucidity.
This job keeps showing me over and over that life simply hands you circumstances, and it is up to you to choose how to deal with them. It also shows me that I need to be grateful for what I do have, in that I can eat wherever I am, and sleep any place so long as I can park safely. Which reminds me, early delivery tomorrow, so time to finish this up. Good night!
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