Tuesday, February 7th, 2012
Well, haven't had a day this long in a while. In some ways it is gratifying to work so hard. That said, I'm pooped.
I started my day sometime around 0400, backing into the dock in Kennewick. I was a bit dismayed that they started 15 minutes late, but a circumstance beyond my control. Seriously. I could go and ask them to get to my trailer, but as a rule, this does not work. It would be like me coming into your office and telling you how to do your job. It fosters resentment and more importantly, delay.
That 15 minutes set the day into a spin. Okay, to be fair the planner planned the stops at an average speed of 60 mph. Considering that the truck's top speed is 62, averaging 60 mph is more likely over long distances, instead of short 60 mile hops.
The fog lasted for forty miles this morning. On the plus side, it broke for a few minutes, giving me time to watch the moon set beyond the distant hills. The Union Gap store was more or less timely, but apparently they need an auditor to count the diapers specifically. Really? Just the diapers? (that is what my truck was loaded with). And was she counting each package?
The drive up to East Wenatchee is amazing! For some of it, you drive along the mighty Columbia, where the river has carved its way through layers of columnar basalt and undulating hills. By this time though, I was rather tired. I've not been sleeping too well of late, and it is starting to catch up to me. At one point, I lost consciousness for a brief moment, but the resulting adrenaline was more than sufficient to get me to my next stop. Seriously, I had no idea I was so tired. Perhaps this is me not having coffee this morning. I don't think I even risk that again, at least not until after I take a serious sleep.
Arriving at the final stop half an hour late was actually pretty good considering the planning and delays at the previous stops. I pulled my truck in to the dock I was instructed to, had a quick bite, then went back in. I was also informed to relax, since it would be a while. I did so, and watched the hustle and bustle for a bit. For some reason, I decided to lay my head against the filing cabinet that was so conveniently next to the waiting chair. I was conscious to a point. I could hear the fork lifts motoring about. I could feel that my mouth was open and that i was drooling a bit. What I didn't know was how long they needed to finish unloading. I awoke abruptly to the guy at the desk saying, “Driver! You're good to go.” Scared the pants off me.
Then I was racing back to Selah, a town just north of Union Gap and Yakima to pick up some juice. Knowing I would be late, I phoned in and was told to show up when I can. Instead of at noon, I show up at 1315, just like I predicted. I check-in, get my affairs in order, open the bay door, put the ramp down, sweep out my trailer... then wait. I sat for at least half an hour in the warehouse waiting for someone to load my truck. I'm actually one of the lucky ones. A regular was saying that some guys wait a lot longer than that for missing their appointments.
I've learned a bunch today. First of all, always do the math on runs with multiple stops. Or on any runs really. I also learned how to fill an airbag today at the shipper's in Selah. That was pretty cool. Nice people there, a bit coarse for my taste, but nice enough. I'd print some of the things they said here, but I don't think it bears repeating. At least they seem happy.
So now I'm in George, Washington. Seriously. Brilliant plan guys! Maybe I should check out the intestinal buffet. Oh. No buffet. There is, however, a killer taco truck. I knew I made the right choice to stop here when I saw the taco truck. Good times! It was either here or Moses Lake. I doubt Moses Lake has a taco truck at their truck stop. So now I'll sleep in George, then head to Usk in the morning. Where do people come up with this stuff?
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